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Urban green façades for sustainable cities

Schüco AF UDC 80 Green Façade

Bielefeld. More than half of the world's population lives in cities and this trend is on the rise. Densely built-up areas in cities with a lot of paved surfaces mean that green spaces and plants are often lacking. To counteract this, Schüco has developed the aluminium Schüco AF UDC 80 Green Façade. The plants for the façade construction are provided by Vertiko GmbH, the experts in façade greenery. The project solution for the Schüco UDC 80 unitized façade offers a high degree of design freedom with a range of plant types and system structures, enabling a greening system with a particularly large leaf mass on the building. The planted, fleece-based modules are made from a Class A non-flammable material and the green façade impresses with its high degree of prefabrication that enables quick and easy installation.

Picture credits: Schüco International KG

The Schüco AF UDC 80 Green Façade is a sustainable project solution for cities. The Schüco Campus in Bielefeld will soon feature a green façade too.

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Picture credits: Schüco International KG

Instead of the greenery being planted in the ground, the Schüco AF UDC 80 Green Façade offers a solution where the plants grow on the façade itself.

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Picture credits: Schüco International KG

By allowing certain sections of the façade to be planted with greenery, the Schüco AF UDC 80 provides a high level of design freedom, enabling individual patterns to be created.

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Press contact

Ulrike Krüger

Head of Public Relations

Schüco International KG

Karolinenstraße 1-15
33609 Bielefeld

+49 521 783 803