Schüco Sistema de fachadas FACID M

Modular frame system for multifunctional textile façade with wide range of designs and uses
Sustainable construction increasingly includes the entire lifecycle of buildings, which means that the demand for functionality and flexibility in façades is always on the rise too. With the modular frame system for textile Schüco FACID façades, the external appearance of a building can be quickly and efficiently adapted to changing requirements without limiting its function – a key milestone on the path towards the transformative façade.
Be it as a suspended, rear-ventilated façade, as an additional decorative level or as a combined façade, the modular frame system of Schüco FACID M opens up a wide selection of design options with suitability for digital printing and attractive lighting options. A wide variety of fabrics is available depending on the requirements and building type.
Further benefits of the modular frame which is easy to pre-assemble include outstanding technical properties combined with durability and multifunctional applications.
Fabrication benefits
- Innovative components enable optimum works planning: simple and efficient thanks to prefabrication and quick installation without expensive special tools or machinery
- A number of different module shapes are possible: pre-fabrication while the building is in use and delivered to the project ready to install
- Installation on the façade ideally by means of rear hook-in brackets
- Simple, fast installation, even in areas and existing buildings that are difficult to reach
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