Professional School Anckelmannstreet

Hamburg, Hamburg

Information about the reference project

Type of building:

Education and Culture


AWS 75.SI+


Hamburg, Hamburg




Architekten LP 2-5: APB. ARCHITEKTEN BDA,Prof. Carsten Lorenzen

Specialist company:

Röben Tonbaustoffe GmbH

Picture credits:

Urs Kluyver

Project description

Project description

On a triangular plot covering approx. 19,000 m², the architects have arranged three buildings in such a clever way in the area that an almost entirely enclosed development has been created, pierced by views and access points into the centre. From an urban development perspective, the three buildings redefine an unsettled, unstructured situation and provide the urban school, which has a unique purpose, with a clear, ground-breaking architectural appearance. Despite their open design, the sections of the building form an urban unit that is compactly sealed off from the surrounding streets and enhances the district. Outdoor spaces are created between the buildings, which underline the individual use of the three separate schools and enable them to be accessed in different ways. In terms of the quality of the space and concentration of different functions and uses, a sort of town square is reminiscent of a central piazza with small, compact areas where people want to spend time. It is accessed via a flight of stairs. The brick façades give the buildings a common line. The buildings have a robust appearance externally, but a more refined and organic appearance facing the piazza: the two-storey foyers have a large, jagged glass façade facing the plaza and the spandrel windows of the classrooms overlooking the town square are recessed. All of the other façades are structured horizontally. Each school is further differentiated by the individual details on their external façades.

Source: City profile magazine, issue Hamburg

Download the City profile Hamburg here (pdf, 4,7 MB)

Location of the reference project

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