Tube Station Praha Střížkov

Prague, Czech Republic

Information about the reference project

Type of building:

Office and Business




FWS 50.HI, FWS 60.HI


Prague, Czech Republic




Atelier designu a architektury - Patrik Kotas

Specialist company:

BR-INVEST spol. s r.o.,SIPRAL a.s.

Picture credits:

© Schüco International KG

Object description

Object description

The Strizkov station, designed by Patrik Kotas, Atelier designu a architektury, is one of the new stations of the constantly growing Prague Metro network. The completely glazed building is pleasing because of its aesthetic structure and the technical implementation. Above the hall structure (160 m x 42 m), the roof construction was hung on the main vault using two different arched rod systems. The first system, with short bars performs the static function, while the second system with long rods incorporates special springs to reduce tension in the supporting structure. The façade was executed utilizing the highly insulated FW 50+.HI mullion-transom façade from Schüco.

Location of the reference project
