Schüco søgning
image cmcid:163363

Schüco AWS optimized window system: ideally equipped for the requirements of sustainable passive houses

The highly thermally insulated Schüco AWS 90.SI+ optimized (Super Insulated) window system for the 90 mm basic depth is part of the Schüco AWS system platform and enables the highest energy efficiency, architectural and structural requirements to be fulfilled through its future-oriented, optimised U values.

The window system has been passive house-certified from an external face width of 117 mm by the PHI Darmstadt.

Thanks to newly developed thermal insulation technology, our optimised systems achieve a high level of energy efficiency. This significantly improves the thermal performance values in comparison to the AWS standard system.

AWS 90.SI+ optimized is a comprehensive, high-performance vent and frame system with numerous solutions for an energy-efficient and sustainable building envelope.


Planning benefit

  • Certified passive house window with a Uf value of 0.80 W/(m2K) (117 mm external face width)
  • With the performance characteristics of the "optimized" product series, we are ideally equipped for the diverse structural and architectural requirements of constructing sustainable passive houses
  • A wide range of design options in the AWS profile modular system
  • Functionality with the concealed Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart system fittings
  • Security and burglar resistance to RC1N / RC2 / RC2N / RC3 in accordance with DIN EN 1627
  • Diverse range of handles with numerous special solutions and lockable options
  • Attractive upgrade options, e.g. with the Integralmaster internal sun shading, glare protection and screening system.


Teknisk information

