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How is Schüco supporting fabricators?

Training / CE licence agreement

Schüco provides two different models for obtaining a CE licence.

  1. You already have the fire protection licence for national approvals:

Fabricators who have already completed fire protection training only need to attend one CE training course in order to update their CE licence.

What kind of training is it?
Classroom training or online training sessions

Where will the training be held?
Your Schüco contact person will provide you with the precise training locations on request.

When will the training take place?
These training courses will take place from the beginning of 2020

  • Explanations of standards and rules for CE markings
  • Introduction to the new documentation such as classification reports and order and fabrication manuals
  • The process of CE marking: the creation of a Declaration of Performance, the documentation required from the workshop to the building site, and the issuing of a CE marking for the client.

Was wird geschult?

  • Erläuterungen der Normen und Spielregeln für CE-Kennzeichnungen
  • Einführung in die neuen Arbeitsunterlagen wie z.B. Klassifizierungsberichte sowie Bestell- und Fertigungskataloge
  • Ablauf der CE- Kennzeichnung - von der Erstellung einer Leistungserklärung über die Dokumentationsunterlage, die von der Werkstatt bis zur Baustelle benötigt werden bis zum Ausstellen der CE-Kennzeichnung für den Bauherren.


Verarbeiter, die bereits eine Brandschutzlizenz haben, aber erst nach November 2019 in das Thema CE-Kennzeichnungen für Brand- und Rauchschutztüren und Fenster in der Außenanwendungen (EN 16034 / EN 14351-1) und später auch in der Innenanwendung (EN 16034 / EN 14351-2) einsteigen wollen, können dies auch im Rahmen der Nachschulungsseminare BS 2 machen. Termine für den Besuch einer dieser Schulungen (6-mal pro Jahr) können dem Schulungsprogramm für Partnerfirmen für das Jahr 2020 entnommen werden.

2. You do not have the fire protection licence for national approvals:

Fabricators who do not have a fire protection licence for Schüco fire protection systems can attend the fire protection seminar BS 1 for new customers, which is part of the Schüco training programme for partner companies.

  • Standards and rules as well as an introduction to EN 16034
  • Presentation of the Schüco fire and smoke protection systems
  • Third-party monitoring
  • Fire-resistant glass
  • Legal challenges

Dates for training sessions (6 per year) can be found in the 2020 training programme for partner companies.

What kind of training is it?
Classroom training

Where will the training be held?
Your Schüco contact person will provide you with the precise training locations on request.

When will the training take place?
Your Schüco contact person will provide you with exact dates on request.

What will be taught in the training?

  • Standards and rules
  • Introduction to the new documentation such as classification reports and order and fabrication manuals
  • The process of CE marking: the creation of a Declaration of Performance, the documentation required from the workshop to the building site, and the issuing of a CE marking for the client.

Classification report and order and fabrication manuals

The classification report attests the results of the tests carried out in line with EN 16034 and forms the basis for the European certification for fire and smoke protection barriers. As part of the certification, the CE order and fabrication manuals replace the Type Test for fabricators. The performance properties as well as the system limits are explained in the CE manuals. To this end, the possible design options are documented in the new CE order and fabrication manuals The documents can be called up directly in  Docu Center.

Factory Production Control (FPC)

Every manufacturing plant must set up a Factory Production Control which meets the CE requirements in accordance with EN 16034. Please contact your notified product certification body about this in good time.

Third-party monitoring

If you have an updated CE licence agreement and a sufficient FPC, initial monitoring can be carried out by a notified product certification body. If this is completed successfully, the fabricator receives the certificate for constancy of performance and is then entitled to issue Declarations of Performance and launch products with CE marking on the market. The ift Rosenheim, AKF-Zert and MPA can offer third-party monitoring in Germany.

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