Schüco Connect
The service portal for your ordering process
Trigger orders, view delivery status, call up receipts - with the Connect service portal, all information for order processing is now available to you clearly and always up to date.
And Connect can do much more. The portal accesses current data in real time and determines whether the selected items are available and when they will be delivered even before the actual order is placed - for a transparent and plannable ordering process. In addition, Connect offers many helpful functions that make your everyday work easier.
It's best to register right away and try it out - because you can use Connect with all its functions free of charge via My Workplace. Registration

"With Connect, I have more planning security and significantly more efficient processes. Order confirmations, for example, arrive without delay. I find it particularly good to receive information in real time. As soon as I order an item, I can see immediately if and when it is available, in addition to the price."
Heiko Müller
Technician - Warnow Metallbau GmbH
Etusi rekisteröityneenä käyttäjänä:
- Työmateriaalia (esim. CAD-tiedostot, tekniset asiakirjat)
- Ohjelmisto & työkalut
- Sisältöjen merkitseminen
- Suora yhteydenotto Schücolle