Actively managing quality, energy, the environment and health and safety at work are essential components of the Schüco company policy. The aim is to ensure that all products and services reflect high standards in all areas and processes.
As part of the Integrated Management Policy, Schüco International KG follows the requirements of the international standards for quality (DIN EN ISO 9001), environmental protection (DIN EN ISO 14001), energy management (DIN EN ISO 50001) and the legal guidelines on occupational health and safety.
All Schüco employees are obliged to observe the requirements of these standards and guidelines in order to ensure the welfare of our customers and business partners, our employees and the environment. The health and safety of our employees and a social responsibility to the public are key components of our company aim and are the responsibility of the executive management team.

The respective national legal and regulatory provisions are taken as minimum requirements here. The entire Schüco Group strives for a higher level of health, safety and environmental protection. Our employees and contract partners are responsible for implementing these basic principles in everyday work. Schüco encourages all employees to initiate and support innovations in system efficiency.
Schüco continuously improves its systems, work procedures and processes, in order to increase the quality of its products and services, and to fulfil the requirements of our customers. This includes, above all, protection of our employees and the environment. The scope of implementation and level of effectiveness of the management system will be checked regularly, thereby ensuring continual development that is tailored to requirements.
As part of the management of quality, the environment, energy, health and safety, all procedures within a defined area of validity will be addressed. This extends from the procurement of goods and raw materials through to development, production, marketing, logistics and waste disposal. Quality management goes beyond merely completing the error handling procedure. Rather, it involves the principle of consistent error prevention. An important task of quality management is to reduce the cost of errors, which will also lead to improved results.
Protecting the environment, preventing damage to the environment and using existing energy resources efficiently represent another important component of the company policy. On the one hand, Schüco offers system solutions for a sustainable building design with its products. On the other, Schüco constantly strives to use energy more efficiently, either by reducing the amount of energy required or by optimising its consumption.

Environmental protection and safety, economic success and social responsibility are of equal importance for Schüco. All employees must act on the basis of experience and an awareness of responsibility.
The executive management team of Schüco International KG will ensure that the resources necessary to achieve the desired aims are available. They are responsible for defining, implementing and structuring the basic principles laid down here, and will continuously check and update them.