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Passive house certification with Schüco AWS optimized

Improved U values for the standard aluminium system

Bielefeld. Saving energy is more important than ever right now. This is particularly true in the building industry, where advantage needs to be taken of potential energy savings. That is why Schüco is continually further developing it products. Under the name AWS optimized, the company is presenting its standard aluminium system to architects and metal fabricators but with even better U values – right up to passive house certification. 

Picture credits: Schüco International KG

Schüco AWS 75.SI+ optimized with a 75 mm basic depth and a face width of 117 mm: Thermal insulation to passive house level with a Uf value of 0.94 W/(m2K).

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Picture credits: Schüco International KG

Schüco AWS 75.SI+ optimized with a 75 mm basic depth and a face width from 178 mm: Passive house certified thermal insulation with a Uf value of 0.79 W/(m2K).

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Picture credits: Schüco International KG

Schüco AWS 75.SI+ optimized with a 75 mm basic depth and a face width from 178 mm: Passive house certified thermal insulation with a Uf value of 0.79 W/(m2K).

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Picture credits: Schüco International KG

Schüco AWS 90.SI+ optimized with a 90 mm basic depth and an external face width from 117 mm: Passive house certified thermal insulation with a Uf value of 0.80 W/(m2K).

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Picture credits: Schüco International KG

Schüco AWS 90.SI+ optimized with a 90 mm basic depth and an external face width from 117 mm: Passive house certified thermal insulation with a Uf value of 0.80 W/(m2K).

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Picture credits: Schüco International KG

AWS 75 BS.SI+ block system with a 75 mm basic depth and a face width of 99 mm: Thermal insulation with a Uf value of 1.2 W/(m2K).

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Picture credits: Schüco International KG

AWS 90 BS.SI+ optimized with a 90 mm basic depth and a face width of 99 mm: Thermal insulation to passive house level with a Uf value of 1.0 W/(m2K).

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Press contact

Ulrike Krüger

Head of Public Relations

Schüco International KG

Karolinenstraße 1-15
33609 Bielefeld

+49 521 783 803