Schüco Door System FireStop ADS 76.NI SP

Non-insulated smoke protection system with high flexibility
The Schüco FireStop ADS 76.NI SP non-insulated smoke protection door system, with its innovative open rebate single-chamber profile, is based on the Schüco FireStop platform, guaranteeing a high level of flexibility in planning and design.
With a basic depth of 76 mm, the fully tested smoke protection system allows for maximum transparency with extremely narrow face widths in conjunction with a high level of user comfort.
The system also sets new standards in terms of handling during operation: for example the door fittings can be flexibly and easily retrofitted or upgraded at any time without impairing the security function. Converting from single-point to multi-point locking, retrospectively installing burglar-resistant components or other changes in use can be implemented quickly and efficiently thanks to the optimised fixing of fittings in the profile frame.
The fittings components used can be installed almost entirely without tools and machining, enabling efficient and reliable fabrication and installation. Together with the high level of pre-fabrication of the door constructions, this allows significant benefits in terms of cost and maximum flexibility during operation to be achieved.
Fabrication benefits
- No complex machining necessary for fittings installation
- Comprehensive fixing system for installing fittings virtually without any tools
- Free choice of the most efficient fabrication type ensures attractive cost benefits: frame constructions or T-cleat constructions are possible, depending on requirements
- Fast, efficient installation and removal of aluminium and stainless steel barrel hinges with increased load transfer
- Retrospective installation or removal of fittings components: e.g. installation of electric strikes, even when already in operation
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