Schüco Folding Sliding System ASS 70 FD

Thermally insulated bi-fold system with large selection of types, quiet running and outstanding weathertightness
The thermally insulated Schüco ASS 70 FD (Folding Door) bi-fold system impresses with narrow face widths and offers a wide range of types with outstanding weathertightness for use in outdoor areas.
The visually appealing system opens up a variety of design options thanks to attractive opening types, such as the 90° corner including a flat, thermally insulated threshold for barrier-free access.
The magnetic retaining catch with an elegant design and matching flat door handle is available as an additional design option.
The flexible and quiet vent stacks can be folded to the right, left, inwards or outwards as required.
Fabrication benefits
- Further design options through combination with a flat threshold
- Screw-type corner cleats for simplified installation of the outer frame on site; particularly economical when transporting large units
- Adjustable structural expansion profile ensures secure compensation of tolerances and sagging of the building structure
- Units can still be adjusted once they are installed
Informação técnica
CAD data
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