The 1950s: The early days
During the West German economic miracle, innovative windows and façades become more and more important. Schüco supplies them. The company is at the forefront of progress using light and modern aluminium.

Zrod spoločnosti Schüco
1951 Heinz Schürmann zakladá firmu Heinz Schürmann & Co. v Porta Westfalica. Na úzkej zadnej časti dvora vyrába so šiestimi zamestnancami výkladné skrine, markízy a rolovacie mreže.
1954 Nový domov V časoch západonemeckého ekonomického zázraku sú čaraz žiadanejšie inovačné okná a fasády. A Schüco ich dodáva. S ľahkým, moderným materiálom - hliníkom, držala firma prst na pulze dňa. Presťahovaním sa do Bielefeldu našla firma Schüco nový domov.
Pushing the boundaries
1955 The web of branch offices grows, with more and more locations being added. During this time, new commercial branches are established in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Hamburg. And Schüco goes international. The strategy is to grow, diversify and expand internationally.
1957 The first of many appearances at exhibitions for Schüco is at the Hanover Messe. On a small exhibition stand, Schüco presents innovative building profiles and fittings made from lightweight metal. The same year, Schüco becomes a registered trademark.
1958 Licence agreements and agency contracts enable new cooperation across Europe.In 1958, Schüco enters into a partnership with AluKönigStahl (in Austria) that still endures today.