Schüco Code of Conduct
Compliance is for us a matter of course. We comply with all applicable laws and legislations and adhere to ethical standards. The Schüco Code of Conduct defines our basic rules which apply to Schüco world-wide.
With this Code of Conduct we commit ourselves to the observance in particular of the principles of fair competition and open markets and will, therefore, not tolerate any corrupt acts or infringements of antitrust laws. We consider sustainable economic practices with regard to natural resources and the adherence to environmental laws a self-evident duty. We treat our employees and business partners respectfully and fair.
We expect our business partners to respect the principles set out in the Code of Conduct and to act accordingly.
We confirm we have complied with the government's guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19

Sustainable commercial activity, a sense of responsibility and acting in accordance with ethical and moral principles come naturally to Schüco. Corporate decisions are made taking economic, environmental and social aspects into consideration. The Code of Conduct and the compliance guidelines serve as guidance. Thus, Schüco clearly pledges its support for fair competition in free markets, expresses its lack of tolerance for corruption and violations of anti-trust law, pledges its support for environmental protection and speaks in favour of the fair and respectful treatment of employees and business partners.
Please click here to view our Modern Slavery Statements.