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Product highlights

We are setting the benchmark for healthy, smart and secure building with outstanding, pioneering solutions. For our Schüco AOC 50 TI system, this means:
Environmentally friendly and sustainable​
Design freedom and variety ​
Simplifying and saving money​
image cmcid:177051

Add-on construction on timber for façades and skylights with excellent performance characteristics

With the Schüco AOC 50 TI (timber) façade system, technically and creatively impressive skylight constructions and large-scale vertical façades in the 50-mm system width are possible on timber sub-structures.

New system components enable simple and reliable execution, including load transfer and screw guidance, even when working with large panes and triple glazing.

In the roof area, the innovative sealing system ensures maximum thermal insulation thanks to the integrated screw guidance.

The add-on construction on timber combines energy-efficient, aesthetically sophisticated construction with streamlined fabrication and installation.

Planning benefit

  • Add-on construction on timber for glass roofs and vertical façades for maximum transparency
  • Vertical façades and skylights can be used for roof pitches to 2°
  • Integration of Schüco AWS 114 window system as projected top-hung or parallel-opening windows: large-scale automated window solutions for standard and SHEV applications that can be integrated into the building control system
  • Burglar resistance tested in the system on timber sub-structures


Technical information


Specification texts

CAD data
