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image cmcid:145582

Skylights that can be mounted on any support and that have wide spans can be created in a wide variety of ways

The VISS Basic roof glazing steel system offers attractive and economically efficient solutions for roof constructions that can be mounted on any support.

A free choice of load-bearing profile form enables skylights with wide spans to be constructed.

A further benefit of the system is that the basic depths of the load-bearing profiles can be selected according to the structural requirements, which opens up new options in terms of planning and design.

Planning benefit

  • A high level of planning reliability due to a wide variety of options, such as flat roofs, pyramid roofs, saw-tooth roofs and hipped roofs
  • Use of double and triple glazing is possible
  • Face widths of 50 mm and 60 mm
  • No visible screw fixings


Technical information

CAD data
