HCHH Watermark Tower

Hamburg, Hamburg

Information about the reference project

Type of building:

Office and Business


AWS 75.SI+


Hamburg, Hamburg




Störmer Murphy and Partners GbR,Zech Hochbau AG ( ehem. BAM Deutschland AG), Hauptzentrale

Specialist company:

Heidersberger Fassadenbau GmbH

Picture credits:

© Max Walter und Offenblende

Project description

Project description

The “Intelligent Quarters” project is part of the Elbtorquartier in Hamburg’s HafenCity. Three free-standing buildings form an ensemble: the “Freeport” residential building serves as a link between the “Shipyard” office building and the 18-storey “Watermark” office tower. The three buildings, which have a different cubature, height and orientation, are connected by the white ceramic material used in their façades. The variety of panels and unit sizes give each building its own identity. The interiors are characterised by the highest standards of building materials in terms of environmental friendliness, a high degree of flexibility in how the space can be used and plenty of light in the building. The 18-storey Watermark Tower is the central element of the ensemble and is clad in a Schüco unitised façade as a special construction with AWS 75 insert units and white tiles in the opaque areas. This is where the Schüco Showroom is located, consisting of a co-working space, showroom, event venue and espresso lounge.

Source: City profile magazine, issue Hamburg

Download the City profile Hamburg here (pdf, 4,7 MB)

Location of the reference project
