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Kopgebouw in the Leerpark

Dordrecht, Netherlands

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Education and Culture


FACID 65, FWS 50, AWS 65


Dordrecht, Netherlands




Rau Architecten BV


Aluvo Geveltechniek B.V.,Vervaeke BVBA

Crédits photos:

© Maarten Noordijk

Ingeniously "concealed"

The Leerpark borders on the Dordrecht municipality in the Dutch province of South Holland. It was acquired in the 1990s with the aim of bringing education institutions and companies together in the same space. Today the Leerpark is home to teaching institutions and operations as well as housing, retail, sports facilities etc. and has become a vibrant area. The new head building, the Kopgebouw, with its striking appearance is particularly eye-catching. In keeping with the wishes of their clients, RAU Architects created the most eye-catching educational and office building possible with approximately 7545 m² of gross floor area.

Distinctive thanks to the textile façade

The result is a five storey building that looks like it is wrapped in an oversized blanket. This unusual look is achieved with the use of the Schüco FACID 65 textile façade. The three dimensional screening, sun shading, glare and weather protection gives the visual effect of gathered fabric through the clever shaping with different, strongly pronounced waves. The golden colour is the perfect addition to the eye-catching shape and makes the building shine brightly even on grey days.

FACID 65 – always different

The textile façade can be used on all types of buildings and gives them an original exterior appearance. This can be adapted to changing requirements quickly and efficiently, without limiting its function – an important step on the path to the transformative façade. The diversity of shapes like rectangle, square, trapezoid and arches promise a lot of design freedom. The textile façade is also perfect in combination with other Schüco systems, such as on the Kopgebouw building where the AWS 65 Schüco window system and the FWS 50 mullion/transom façade were used.

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