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Schaudepot Boijmans van Beuningen

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Education and Culture


Doors, Façades, Security


Janisol C4 EI90, VISS SG, Portes Economy 60


Rotterdam, Netherlands






Aalbers Wico,Hoefnagels Fire Safety,Intal Producties Zuid B.V.,Sorba Projects bv,ZNR Zuid Nederlandse Ramenfabriek B.V.

Crédits photos:

© Ossip van Duivenbode

Project details

Project details

Depot Boijmans van Beuningen is a building that holds up a mirror to its surroundings, which gives it an inconspicuous presence. For the installation of a total of 1664 double-curved – and in some places triple-curved – mirror panels, MVRDV Architects opted for the Jansen VISS SG system solution with RC 4 burglar resistance. The automatic sliding doors on the ground floor are also a special solution that is based on a Jansen steel profile system. As these doors are also mirrored, the visitors~ reflection parts in two as they approach. The almost 40-metre-high atrium is accessed via a relatively small entrance. Criss-crossing staircases lead visitors from the foyer past numerous storage areas, exhibition rooms and »glazed« workshops to the sculpture garden above the sixth floor. Glass partition walls on every level leave no doubt about the purpose of the building: the archiving and restoration of valuable works of art.

Source: Profile magazine, issue 26

Download the profile 26 here (pdf, 8,4 MB)

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