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Public theatre

Munich, Bavaria

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Education and Culture


Janisol C4 EI90, ADS 65.NI SP, FWS 60, FWS 50, ADS 75 HD.HI, AWS 75.SI+, ASS 70.HI, Portes Economy 50


Munich, Bavaria




Reisch Georg GmbH


Siegfried Wölz Stahl- und

Crédits photos:

Roland Halbe

The new Volkstheater in Munich is an urban focal point on the site of Munich’s former slaughterhouse and stockyard, which is currently being developed to create a new district. As well as integrating an existing building, a prestigious newbuild was planned to continue the history of the site. As bricks dominated the appearance of the existing buildings, these were also the obvious choice of material for the newbuild. A courtyard with a large arch opening out towards the street is positioned between the old building, a narrow block on the northern side of the plot and the new foyer. The archway joins together the old and new buildings, providing clear access to the inner courtyard. The flowing building structure is a result of the functional requirements and, in addition to audience areas and three stages, it also houses rooms for modern stage technology, workshops and accommodation for the artists, as well as restaurants and offices.

Throughout the thermal envelope, the building services are surrounded by a concertina-like grille construction made from thin metal bars, while the 29-metre tall stage tower has a semi-transparent membrane façade. Inside, a colourful foyer welcomes the visitors, who will proceed through to either the large auditorium for 600 people or the second stage for 200 people. The furnishings and fixtures made from in-situ concrete play on the space and, together with the coloured surfaces and the building geometry, form a sculptural whole.

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