Que cherchez-vous ?

Weinrich Chocolate

Herford, North Rhine-Westphalia

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Office and Business


Façades, Windows, Security


FWS 50.SI, AWS 75.SI+, ADS 80 FR 30


Herford, North Rhine-Westphalia




BKS Architekten


ALUBA Aluminiumbau

Crédits photos:

© Ralf Buscher/www.ralfbuscher.de

Object description

Object description

Steeped in tradition, the Weinrich chocolate factory has been making chocolate in the town of Herford since 1895. The two storey Wilhelminian-style villa has now been extended to include a new office building, which is attached to the villa by means of a glass link. Old and new enter into a dialogue: here the villa façade with small openings, there the smooth office block – here the symmetrically arranged windows with deep reveals, there the large-scale, flush-fitted, offset glass areas. Chocolate-coloured, perforated sheet metal units are used as a defining design element for the cladding of the cantilevered conference room in the glass link building, and form a semi-transparent »chocolate bar« above the shimmering main entrance, which is made from hammered-finish stainless steel sheet metal as an allusion to the chocolate wrapper.

Informations sur les produits

Localisation de la référence

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