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Kineum Garda

Göteborg, Sweden

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Office and Business


Göteborg, Sweden




Roman Cizek



Crédits photos:

© Anton Adielsson

Project description

Project description

Above the rooftops of Gothenburg
If you look at Gothenburg's skyline, you can't miss it: the Kineum, designed by Reflex Arkitekter, dominates the cityscape with its 28 storeys and an impressive area of 30,000 square metres. The façade of the six-storey building is particularly striking with its diagonal criss-cross pattern made from copper-coloured aluminium profiles. The design resembles a fishing net, highlighting Gothenburg's close ties with the sea.

Unitised modular façade
Working closely with Schüco, Reflex Arktikter decided to use a project-specific unitised modular façade. This was the best solution when it came to both design and function. It also best served the extremely tight plot of land with limited options in terms of logistics. As the unitised façades can be fully pre-assembled in the workshop before being put together like a puzzle on site, the entire production and construction process could be optimised on site.

Without compromise
The Kineum is an outstanding example of a modern, sustainable building. Taking the BREEAM Excellent certification as a guiding principle, the aim was to create a building that is fit for the future. In this building, Reflex Arkitekter has managed to bring together sustainability, design, form and function in harmony.

Localisation de la référence

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