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Amsterdam, Netherlands

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Office and Business


FWS 60, AWS 70 WF.HI, AWS 114


Amsterdam, Netherlands






Rollecate B.V.

Crédits photos:

© Bart van Hoek

Post-renovation: Amsterdam's greenest office campus

Post-renovation: Amsterdam's greenest office campus

The original Tripolis office complex was one of the last projects of the famous Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck. The campus has now been redesigned by MVRDV (Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries). The “Tripolis Park” project encompasses the renovation of the old buildings (one of which was converted into affordable rental accommodation), a new park, and the most important addition – an 11-storey groundscaper. Following the southern contour of the plot boundary, the newbuild functions as a sound reduction barrier, protecting the complex and future residential developments from the noise of the adjacent motorway. 

The large number of aluminium windows creates a grid-like structure in keeping with the complex geometries of van Eyck's office designs. Implemented using a special construction, the Schüco windows fulfil the highest energy efficiency and architectural demands with outstanding thermal insulation and minimal face widths. The Schüco unitised and mullion/transom façades also feature a high degree of flexibility and attractive design options.


The project has already been awarded the BREEAM-NL Outstanding and WELL Platinum certifications for its sustainability credentials. Key aspects contributing towards this include the photovoltaic solar modules, triple-glazed Schüco windows which were installed as a special construction based on the Cradle to Cradle certified AWS 70 WF.HI window system, rainwater harvesting systems, and a circadian lighting system which adapts to the movement of the sun. With its public gardens and green roof terraces, the campus has become a green oasis in the heart of the city for its residents and visitors. 

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