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HS München, FB Design

Munich, Bavaria

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Education and Culture


Façades, Sliding doors, Doors, Windows


AWS 90.SI+, FWS 60, ADS 80 FR 30, ADS 65 HD


Munich, Bavaria




Staab Architekten GmbH


Neumayr High Tech

Crédits photos:

© Johanna Weber / Oliver Jaist

Faculty renovation

Faculty renovation

Over the years, the former arsenal of the Bavarian army has undergone many conversions and changes in use. Its external appearance has largely survived unchanged. The room structure, which had been heavily modified over the years, was to be largely restored to its original layout, updated to the latest technical standards and made fit for the complex usage requirements of contemporary design education. The building is accessed through the main entrance (and former coach entrance), which has been given a modern interpretation in keeping with its original structure, including restored arches, white walls and ceilings, grey screed and untreated aluminium panels in the stairwells. A corridor along the central axis leads into the glazed pavilion, which was created as a link to the side wings in the former courtyard. The extension is used as an exhibition space and stands out from the existing building due to its steel/glass construction and the cantilevered, angular roof, with a wide gap highlighting the point where old meets new. A steel bridge into the extension joins the building sections and leads through to the barrier-free stairwells and study rooms, workshops and studios behind.

The result is an inspiring place that offers space to allow creativity to unfold and that is tailored to design as the central discipline for overcoming the challenges of our time.

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