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MK 13 Office Building - Garden Office

Munich, Bavaria

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Office and Business




Munich, Bavaria




WEP Effinger Partner Architekten BDA


Ferger Metallbau GmbH

Crédits photos:

© Schüco International KG

MK 13 – Garden Office building

The MK 13 office building is located in Schwabing’s Parkstadt district, which was newly developed in 1989. Nothing more than wasteland a few years before, this new urban quarter with a total area of approx. 405,000 square metres has since become a vibrant office and residential area. Artists and architects served as inspiration for the street names in this new district. The MK 13 building (also known as the Garden Office) is therefore situated on the corner of Georg-Muche-Straße and Marcel-Breuer-Straße. The Garden Office was planned to be the headquarters of international engineering practice CBP WSP, which previously had its five business divisions spread across four different locations within Munich. During the planning of the office complex consisting of one high-rise and one low-rise building, CBP’s role was two-fold. As the planning and consulting company commissioned by the client, they also represented their own interests as the subsequent users of the building. The WEP Effinger Partner Architekten BDA architectural practice took great pains to design the MK 13 building to very high functional and technical standards. The office complex can be seen from miles around and stands out due to the high level of transparency of the clearly structured Schüco mullion/transom façade with its slimline profiles. The façade acquires its horizontal emphasis from a continuous C-profile. The building services are delivered by a highly ef­fi­cient system, the main feature of which is the temperature control of the building components.

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