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Pavillon Hamburg Summer of Architecture

Hamburg, Hamburg

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Education and Culture


Hamburg, Hamburg




Künstlerkollektiv Umschichten,-


ATIC Interior GmbH

Crédits photos:

© Stefan Brückner

Project description

Project description

Natural resources are finite. This makes it all the more important to construct buildings in such a way that the use of the installed materials will be guaranteed beyond the lifecycle of the building. One small scale example of circular construction is the Info Pavillion, which was built in the course of the 2023 Hamburg Summer of Architecture. 

The temporary art installation consisting of, among other things, 500 six-metre-long Schüco aluminium profiles and around 20 tonnes of cutouts from cross laminated timber wall elements and it will live on after the event through the transformation of its components in other projects. The Schüco profiles are expected to be made into around 160 windows which will be used in the Belle Harbour housing project in the eastern HafenCity. The wood will be used to make furniture as part of an interior design project. 

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