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BP Headquarter

Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Office and Business


Doors, Façades, Windows


FW 50.HI


Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia






Lanco Fassadenbau

Crédits photos:

Fotodesign: Karsten Rabas - Fon +49 209.377566 - mail@rabas.de

Object description

Object description

The new BP head office consists of four "vertical pavilions surrounded by nature", which incorporate and retain the existing block of the old building. The pavilions are cut into diagonally in the form of a parallelogram, enabling employees to enjoy a variety of views of the surrounding park. Floor-to-ceiling windows which are offset from storey to storey introduce a rhythm into the façade. On the north-east and north-west sides facing the park, the windows are larger and the wall areas smaller; on the south-facing sides, this relationship is reversed. This is a simple way to optimise the amount of sunlight and the views, and all the workstations receive a similar amount of light and heat. The window reveals are slanted to filter more indirect light into the rooms. Instead of energy-intensive air conditioning, the offices and corridors are cooled by means of thermal component activation of the intermediate floors.

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