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Niederlassung Firma Würth

Munich, Bavaria

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Office and Business


Façades, Windows


FWS 50


Munich, Bavaria




Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten GmbH


Wölz Stahl- & Metallbau GmbH & Co. KG

Crédits photos:

© Florian Holzherr

The architects deliberately integrated the premises of Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG into its industrial surroundings. The striking simplicity of the building’s projecting canopy nevertheless sets the impressive, compact structure apart from its neighbours. In addition to the transparent-looking pick-up depot, the 2400 square metre building also houses offices and seminar rooms on the ground floor. The spaces on the upper floor are lit by a vast inner courtyard at the centre of the building structure. The zones open out onto the stylish courtyard via the generous glazing of the Schüco mullion/transom aluminium façade which surrounds it. The popularity of the adjacent areas as break-time and relaxation spaces demonstrates just how pleasant they are to spend time in.

The steel construction of the building is predominantly clad with opaque polycarbonate panels, while the main entrance side is designed as a large glass front sheltered by the canopy. In the direction of the road, the large glass units act like a “display window”, providing views into the vast sales areas for fixing materials. On the western side, a large-scale window highlights the dog-legged stairway up to the top floor, while the Schüco mullion/transom construction made from aluminium allows onlookers to see right inside the building through to the inner courtyard.

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