Que cherchez-vous ?

Malmö Saluhall

Malmö, Sweden

Informations sur la référence

Type de bâtiment:

Office and Business




FWS 50, FWS 35 PD.HI, ASS 80 FD.HI


Malmö, Sweden




White Arkitekter



Crédits photos:

© Schüco International KG

Wingårdh Arkitektkontor, Gothenburg/SE.

Wingårdh Arkitektkontor, Gothenburg/SE.

The old freight yard to the west of Malmö's main train station was nothing more than a roofless ruin when it was acquired by the clients, who wanted to build a market hall there. The shape and materials of the elongated brick building were retained as far as possible and a Corten steel extension was added with a similar cubature. It imitates the gable design of the building and is separated from the existing structure by a strip of glass. The silhouette of the extension provides a covered open space in front of the market stands. The matt-black coating and narrow profile frames of the glazing give the space an industrial look worthy of the building's heritage. The architecture therefore has a robust frame in which the tenants can develop over the course of time. The rust-red colour of the façades is reminiscent of the past and provides a backdrop for the vegetation which will one day grow over the surrounding fence.

Source: profile 24

Download the profile 24 here (pdf, 7,1 MB)

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