Schüco Search

1510 2nd Avenue

Manhatten, New York, New York

Information about the reference project

Type of building:

Office and Business




Manhatten, New York, New York




H. Thomas O'Hara

Specialist company:

Frank Seta & Associates,HLW International

Picture credits:

© Schüco International KG

Object description

Object description

This new-build on the corner of Second Avenue and 79th Street fills a large, unsatisfactory hole in the Manhattan cityscape with architectH. Thomas O’Hara’s striking 18-storey, 64 m cube. It is divided into a separate base zone, the classic middle section and a tower that springs backwards from the 13th floor. In contrast to the surrounding,rather plain buildings, the materials and dimensions of the glass structure appear selfconfident and classical. But neighbouring properties are also seeing a welcome increase in their values thanks to the new kid on the block.

Location of the reference project
