Schüco Search

Children's hospital

Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia

Information about the reference project

Type of building:



Janisol 2 EI30, FWS 50, Economy 50 RS


Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia




v. Bodelschwinghsche Stiftungen Bethel

Specialist company:

Siegfried Wölz Stahl- und Metallbau GmbH & Co. KG

Picture credits:

© Barbara Franke

Project details

Project details

Balance between function and comfort

Offering the latest diagnostic and therapy services, the Bethel Children's Centre in Bielefeld provides children and adolescents with the very best care. Architecturally, the newbuild combines functionality and modern design with a warm and inviting atmosphere that is specially tailored to the needs of children and their families.

"Dancing" pavilions

The children’s centre is situated at the bottom of a valley. The location is characterised by the uneven terrain and surrounding green spaces, which permeate the interior of the clinic. A generous thoroughfare along the valley floor forms the backbone of the entire building complex. Six square pavilions "dance" along it, responding to the different façades and alignments of the surrounding buildings in a playful way and incorporating the urban grain.

Colours and shapes
The building envelope features bright colours, creating a positive atmosphere. Large areas of glass in the Schüco mullion/transom façade allow daylight to flood the interior, which has a positive impact on the energy balance and ensures an environment that promotes health and well-being. If required, Schüco ZIP awnings can be used to provide the rooms with shade. Inside the clinic, play areas, colourful wall decorations and lounges on a child-friendly scale create an environment that helps to make the time people spend in the children’s centre more pleasant, especially for the young patients. Large Schüco fire doors made of steel, which are extremely sturdy and secure despite their ultra-slimline profiles, provide protection in the event of a fire.

Product information

Location of the reference project
