Schüo PolyPlan
Planning and tender software for Schüco PVC-U systems
With the Schüco PolyPlan digital product catalogue, architects and planners can quickly and conveniently find suitable product solutions and all relevant information from the window, door and sliding system sectors centrally on one platform.
The product catalogue has been designed as a digital assistance system and in just a few clicks it allows users to quickly find and configure products perfectly tailored to the relevant building project, making an important contribution to increasing productivity in the inspiration and design phase.
The powerful online software not only offers you comprehensive technical assistance in the design of a wide range of element types and accessories, but also supports you in the tendering and bidding process.

"Schüco PolyPlan is an indispensable, daily tool for us and our customers to quickly and easily find the right profiles and the right steel to be able to plan and calculate units safely and in accordance with Schüco specifications."
Kati Schramm
Team Leader Technical Indoor Service Schüco Polymer Technologies KG