Schüco Code of Conduct

Compliance is for us a matter of course. We comply with all applicable laws and legislations and adhere to ethical standards. The Schüco Code of Conduct defines our basic rules which apply to Schüco world-wide.

With this Code of Conduct we commit ourselves to the observance in particular of the principles of fair competition and open markets and will, therefore, not tolerate any corrupt acts or infringements of antitrust laws. We consider sustainable economic practices with regard to natural resources and the adherence to environmental laws a self-evident duty. We treat our employees and business partners respectfully and fair.

We expect our business partners to respect the principles set out in the Code of Conduct and to act accordingly.

Code of conduct (pdf, 255,0 KB)

Transparent whistleblower complaints procedure

At Schüco, we are committed to preventing and resolving human rights abuses, violations of social standards, of working conditions and of environmental provisions, economic crimes, accounting fraud, money laundering, data protection breaches, damage to financial position or any other type of infringements of legal provisions and internal regulations. To help us do this, we have put in place a transparent whistleblower complaints system for reporting breaches of the law and compliance policies.

Schüco International KG and all its subsidiaries are committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within their business and supply chain, and impose the same high standards on their suppliers.

With the following declaration, Schüco is sending a clear signal against all forms of forced labor and modern slavery.

Modern Slavery Act - Group Statement 2024 (pdf, 71,9 KB)

Who is the system for?

Who is the system for?

Schüco employees and anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by Schüco’s business activities, such as customers, suppliers, service providers and their respective employees and other interested parties, can contact Schüco’s lawyer of trust directly. The lawyer of trust is a lawyer separate from and independent of Schüco. He is not subject to any instructions from Schüco on how to handle the contents of tip-offs that he receives about infringements of laws or internal rules of Schüco.

Schüco guarantees confidentiality across all its reporting channels. The lawyer of trust is available to all informants free of charge.

External reference portal: 

Information on the Schüco lawyer of trust

Information on the Schüco lawyer of trust

Where can you as a Schüco employee find advice if you experience or observe legal infringements or unusual behaviour? How can you support Schüco in adhering to laws and other requirements?

Download:   Information on the Schüco lawyer of trust (pdf, 40,1 KB)

The procedure

The procedure

The informant will receive confirmation of receipt as soon as possible after a report is received. This will usually be within 48 hours of receipt and will not be longer than seven days. Only then is it certain that the report has been duly received.

During this first stage, only the lawyer of trust can view and look into the report. Whether the lawyer of trust can pass on the information to his contact within Schüco is decided by informants themselves in a verbal discussion with the lawyer of trust. If necessary, the lawyer of trust explains the legal situation and possible next steps to the informant.

Within Schüco, all reports are looked into carefully in compliance with the law and internal rules and taking into consideration the interests of all parties involved. Depending on the content of the report, the internal investigation is carried out by the relevant body within Schüco. This may be the Schüco Group Compliance Office, the Chief Compliance Officer or the data protection organisation. Here too the interests of all parties concerned are taken into account. The internal investigation process and the outcome are reported to and evaluated by the Schüco Group Compliance Committee.

After the investigation is concluded, but at the latest within three months of receipt of the report, the lawyer of trust informs the informant of the outcome to the extent that he is legally able to do so. Informants can of course enquire with the lawyer of trust about the status of their report at any time.

Rules of procedure - Complaints procedure (pdf, 237,8 KB)

Reference portal Schüco lawyer of trust

External reference portal:

Your contact

Dr. Carsten Thiel von Herff, LL.M.

Schüco lawyer of trust

Mobil: 00800 – OMBUDSMANN

+49 521 557 333 0

Schüco Compliance Office

You can reach our compliance office at the following adress: 

Schüco International KG - Compliance Office
Karolinenstraße 1-15
D-33609 Bielefeld

+49 521 783 7300