OTTO FUCHS Corporate Group
Thanks to a wealth of experience, a high level of innovation and plenty of creative thinking and activity, a diverse corporate group with over 16,500 employees emerged in the 20th Century as a pioneer in metal fabrication. Under the umbrella of Otto Fuchs Beteiligungen KG, its two independently operating companies are amongst the top industry players.

Schüco – System solutions for windows, doors and façades
Based in Bielefeld, the Schüco Group develops and sells system solutions made of aluminium, steel and PVC-U for the building envelope. The product portfolio includes window, door, façade, ventilation, security and sun shading systems, as well as intelligent networked solutions for residential and commercial projects. Schüco also provides consultancy and digital solutions for all phases of a building project – from the initial idea through to design, fabrication and installation, as well as after sales with maintenance and servicing. Fabrication machinery and customer-oriented service complement the product portfolio. As one of the leading companies in the construction industry, Schüco is committed through its products and services to being a pioneer for comprehensive sustainability and actively contributing to climate neutrality and the circular economy within the construction sector. Founded in 1951, Schüco is now active in more than 80 countries and achieved a turnover of 2.28 billion euros in 2022 with 6750 employees.
More information:
Schüco International KG
Karolinenstrasse 1 – 15
33609 Bielefeld
Tel.: + 49 521 783-0
Fax: + 49 521 783-451

Founded in 1910, OTTO FUCHS KG is a leading international company in the non-ferrous metals industry. It has business relationships across the world with customers primarily in the aerospace, automotive and construction industries, as well as in industrial engineering.
The OTTO FUCHS Group includes subsidiaries in Germany, Hungary, South Africa, the USA and China. This ensures the best possible proximity to our customers with the same high quality and delivery reliability.
Over 10,200 colleagues are employed across the eight sites.
More information can be found at:
Derschlager Straße 26
58540 Meinerzhagen
Postfach 1261
58528 Meinerzhagen
Tel.: +49 2354 73-0
Fax: +49 2354 73-201