Reducing construction emissions – it all depends on the choice of material

The use of low-carbon materials has a significant impact on the carbon footprint of a building. Construction emissions are heavily reduced through the use of our Schüco Ultra Low Carbon and Schüco Low Carbon material grades for aluminium, and our RECYCLED PVC, BIO-ATTRIBUTED PVC and BALANCED PVC material grades for PVC-U. Hybrid constructions such as the combination of timber with aluminium as an add-on construction also contribute to a low carbon footprint.


The material makes all the difference

Embodied carbon is the CO₂ emissions contained within the material that are generated when the units are produced. These embodied emissions can be reduced through the use of materials that have been produced in a particularly efficient way with regard to CO₂. However, when selecting a suitable material with as little carbon input as possible, you should always check that the material is suitable for the specific building requirements and can fulfil its function.

An overview of carbon-efficient materials from Schüco

Low Carbon (LC) aluminium

Schüco Low Carbon aluminium profiles have a GWP value of 3.84 kg CO₂e/kg. This is achieved through the use of materials with recycled content or green energy during production. Compared to standard Schüco aluminium profiles, profiles made from Schüco Low Carbon aluminium save around 3.27 tonnes of CO₂ per tonne of aluminium profile – that's 46% of CO₂ saved.

Ultra Low Carbon (ULC) aluminium

Schüco Ultra Low Carbon contains at least 75% post-consumer recycled material and has a GWP value of 1.99 kg CO₂e/kg aluminium profile. Compared to standard Schüco aluminium profiles, profiles made from Schüco Ultra Low Carbon aluminium save around 5.12 tonnes of CO₂ per tonne of aluminum profile – that's 72% of CO₂ saved.

Allotment process

Schüco Ultra Low Carbon and Low Carbon aluminium is supplied in accordance with the allotment process. This means that no differentiation is made between the different material grades for delivery. This saves CO₂ during transport and storage. The profiles supplied may therefore consist of standard, ULC or LC aluminium, irrespective of what has been ordered. The CO₂ value produced during production as a result of the order is key to the GWP value.

Increasing the proportion of recycled content is an important lever in the ongoing decarbonisation of our materials. At the same time, using post-consumer material is a central component in the transition to a circular construction industry. We are therefore doing everything we can to introduce a new grade of aluminium that consists of almost 100% recycled aluminium. We will launch this new material grade during the year.

We will, of course, also provide an appropriate profile EPD for this and make the GWP value calculation available in our SchüCal calculation software and in the Building Physics Solver.

Ultra Low Carbon Profil von Schüco

Aluminium grades: Ultra Low Carbon and Low Carbon aluminium

Aluminium is the ideal material for reducing construction emissions, as the sustainable, reusable material can be continuously recycled and produces low carbon emissions with multiple reuse. Special grades of aluminium in particular can reduce the carbon footprint of a building even during construction. Low Carbon and Ultra Low Carbon aluminium grades from Schüco therefore have significantly lower levels of embodied carbon than standard types of aluminium due to the use of recycled aluminium and green energy. For profiles made from Schüco Low Carbon aluminium, a value of 3.84 kg CO₂e/kg is stated in the Environmental Product Declarations, while the value for Schüco Ultra Low Carbon profiles is even lower at 1.99 kg CO₂e/kg.* 

*Reference value of Schüco standard aluminium profile and values for Schüco Ultra Low and Low Carbon aluminium profiles as per Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), October 2023




All BALANCED PVC profiles are produced in a more sustainable way as standard. Recycled material on the inside is preferred for this, but an inner core formulation that makes optimum use of resources is also used as an alternative. Just last year, as much as 64% of Schüco PVC-U profiles were manufactured in this way. The aim is to continue increasing the proportion of recycled material used as standard. In doing so, Schüco is contributing towards reducing the global consumption of fossil raw materials.


All PVC-U profiles in this material class are guaranteed to contain recycled material in the inner core and, depending on the geometry, are supplied with a recycled material content of between 39% and 57%.


Schüco uses bio-attributed PVC in the production of BIO-ATTRIBUTED profiles. Crude oil is replaced with tall oil, a non-fossil raw material, in the manufacture of these. The PVC contained in BIO-ATTRIBUTED profiles saves up to 90% CO₂e compared to the production of conventional primary PVC from the same manufacturer.

Wald aus Vogelperspektive mit sich drehenden Pfeilen als Recyclingsymbol

Sustainable PVC-U material classes

PVC is also very well suited to the construction of certified, future-oriented buildings and the reduction of construction emissions. This sustainable material offers outstanding recycling properties and can be recycled up to seven times with no loss of quality for the newly created profiles. Recycling PVC generates significantly lower CO₂ emissions than producing primary PVC. 

With our BALANCED PVC material standard, profiles are manufactured with recycled material as standard or a formulation that makes optimum use of resources in the inner core. This formulation that makes optimum use of resources only contains components that are necessary for the quality of the material, and does without colour pigments, for example, in order to conserve raw materials. We would like to continually increase the use of recycled material as standard.Last year, as much as 64% of our PVC-U profiles were manufactured with recycled material or a formulation that makes optimum use of resources in the inner core.






NEW: PVC profiles containing bio-attributed PVC from tall oil

With this material class, partner companies can meet DGNB certification requirements (quality level 4), lower their carbon footprint and take advantage of a non-fossil raw material basis. In PVC production, crude oil is replaced by tall oil, which is a by-product of paper production. It is a renewable, non-fossil raw material from pine trees that does not compete with the food chain. Compared to primary PVC made from crude oil, PVC made from tall oil saves up to 90 percent* CO₂e in the manufacturing process.

Bio-attributed PVC is integrated into the existing supply chains and production processes and can therefore also be individually combined with the BALANCED PVC or RECYCLED PVC material classes. 

The process is RSB and ISCC PLUS certified, which means that the raw material can be traced along the entire supply chain from the paper producer to the company's own production facility in Weißenfels, which is verified annually by means of an external certification process. BIO-ATTRIBUTED PVC is available for all Schüco PVC-U systems.

*Compared to the manufacturing process of primary PVC from the same manufacturer

The use of low-carbon materials has a significant impact on the carbon footprint of a building.

Begrünte Außenfassade von Hochhaus in Großstadt

Hybrid solutions reduce carbon footprint

A complete solution comprising a combination of various functional elements or materials for a building can help to reduce CO₂ and improve energy efficiency. In this way, for example, a permanently weather-resistant aluminium add-on construction can be combined with a load-bearing structure made from timber as a renewable raw material or a unitised façade with a green façade in order to decarbonise the building envelope. A solution with a green façade reduces energy consumption inside thanks to the façade's natural cooling effect, while the plants on the outside absorb CO₂. Our systems offer you extra flexibility when using different materials. One sustainable solution is the use of timber in combination with aluminium.

When selecting materials, it is always important to consider the intended functionality and use the material that enables the maximum benefits with as little carbon input as possible. Of course, all installed materials also need to meet the specific building requirements.


Schüco Carbon Control

Find out more about our comprehensive range of products and services for the decarbonisation of buildings.

Schüco Carbon Control

Recycling as standard: The same insulating bars, less CO₂

The changeover in production of polyamide insulating bars made from PA 66 GF 25 to recycled material in all product groups represents the next step in the Schüco sustainability strategy. Compared to polyamide insulating bars made from new materials, the use of recycled polyamide saves over 65% CO₂e (CO₂ equivalent). The GWP (Global Warming Potential) value of a building can be further reduced with this measure and the saving is cumulative, especially when it comes to large-scale usage.

Furthermore, the Schüco modular principle enables this change to take place seamlessly. Product properties and certifications remain unaltered, as do the manual and article numbers. There will also be no changes to the ordering process, as the changeover will take place automatically and nothing will need to be ordered in addition.

Cradle to Cradle Products Program

Cradle-to-Cradle-certified systems for sustainable construction

Feeding materials back into the closed cycle can be planned from the outset. Systems with Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C) certification make a key contribution to circularity, sustainability, material health, environmental protection and social aspects. With 75 systems that are currently certified, Schüco is one of the pioneers of the C2C concept in the construction industry. All products designed in accordance with the C2C principle are perfectly prepared for reuse after the usage phase.


Sustainable PVC systems with VinylPlus label

The VinylPlus® certificate is awarded to suppliers of very sustainable PVC solutions. PVC products from Schüco meet the strict criteria. Schüco PVC-U systems are 100% recyclable; they can therefore be easily incorporated into the recycling system. Moreover, Schüco PVC profiles are environmentally friendly, as they are calcium/zinc-stabilised.

Download certifications

Schüco has a number of certifications for buildings, individual products and management systems. You can download the certificates here.

IoF ID as basis for raw material cycle

Closed raw material cycles are based on reliable data about the material composition of the installed units. The Schüco IoF ID makes it easier to trace installed materials.