Schüco Façade System FWS 50 S.SI

Passive house-certified mullion/transom façade for a variety of solutions with a steel appearance
Based on pioneering isolator technology, the Schüco FWS 50 S.SI (Steel Super Insulated) façade system offers solutions with extremely high thermal insulation for designing façades and skylights with a steel appearance, with values up to passive house level.
Thanks to a broad system range and optimised fabrication and installation processes, constructions for the most varied requirements and applications can be efficiently implemented in a variety of ways.
A transparent spandrel safety barrier integrated in the profile blends seamlessly and elegantly into the external steel façade appearance. The required safety barrier loading for floor-to-ceiling opening units and low spandrel heights can be implemented with consistent profile face widths and a continuous profile.
Load-bearing I-shaped and T-shaped load-bearing profiles as well as steel U-shaped pressure plates with visible screw fixing allow slimline mullion/transom constructions to be designed with an elegant, high-tech appearance.
System-optimised components guarantee the simple and reliable integration of electrical components, e.g. for automated Schüco door or sun shading installations.
Fabrication benefits
- Special profiles for top and bottom façade attachments allow for the construction of extremely low floor levels and for continuous sealing of the building structure, as well as providing a secure fit for the vapour barriers without the need for additional mechanical fixing
- Simple and secure screw guidance due to specialised system components
- Base point sealing components ensure secure and efficient attachment to the building structure
- Special profiles are available for attachment to walls, vapour barrier attachments and existing substructures, as well as for façade fixing brackets and Schüco insert units
- Economical unitised construction: installation of prefabricated units using assembly mullions