Product highlights

We are setting the benchmark for healthy, smart and secure building with outstanding, pioneering solutions. For our FACID 65 system, this means:
Installation benefits
Three-dimensional façades
image cmcid:152188

Multifunctional textile façade with wide range of uses and designs

Sustainable construction increasingly includes the entire lifecycle of buildings, which means that the demand for functionality and flexibility in façades is always on the rise too. With the Schüco FACID 65 textile façade, the external appearance of a building can be adapted to changing requirements quickly and efficiently at any time, without limiting its function – an important step on the path to the transformative façade.

Be it as a suspended, rear-ventilated façade, as an additional decorative level or as a combined façade, the highly flexible system opens up a wide selection of design options with suitability for digital printing, many different lighting options and three-dimensional malleability. A wide variety of fabrics is available depending on the application and building type.

Further benefits of the textile façade solution include its technical properties, durability and multifunctional applications.

Fabrication benefits

  • Excellent design quality with high fabrication speed: system technology is easy to calculate with reliable implementation
  • Innovative components enable optimum works planning: simple and efficient thanks to prefabrication and quick installation without expensive special tools or machinery
  • Profiles are positioned precisely before clamping and special flexholder technology for fold-free areas – for straightforward, easy installation and façade design
  • The fabric can be fully or partially removed while the building is in use


Technical information


Specification texts

CAD data
